Dewan Editor

Editor in Chief

  • Prof. Dr. Fauziyah, S.Pi, (Scopus ID: 57203097208 and GS) Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA

Vice Editor

  • Ellis Nurjuliasti Ningsih, M.Si (Scopus ID: 57384962900 and GS), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Muhamad Nur, M.Si (Scopus ID: 57201675306 and GS), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Amanda Astri Pratiwi Febrianti, M.Si (Scopus ID:xxx and GS: xxx), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA

Associate (handling) Editor

  • Tengku Zia Ulqodry, Ph.D, (Scopus ID: 55553975000 and Sinta ID: 5979007), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Redho Yoga nugroho, M.Si (Scopus ID: 57224526901 and GS), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Fitri Agustriani, M.Si (Scopus ID: 57203920407 and GS), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Dr. Melki, M.Si (Scopus ID: 57205462242 and GS), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA

Editorial Board

  • Prof. Dr. Che. Abd. Rahim Mohamed (Scopus ID: 6603993675), Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, MALAYSIA
  • Prof. Weidong Yu (Scopus ID: 36657972500 and GS), Sun Yat-Sen University, CHINA 
  • Koki Abe, Ph.D (Scopus ID: 23097319700), Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), THAILAND
  • Tomohito Imaizumi, Ph.D (Scopus ID: 22034784500), Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Fisheries Technology Institute, JAPAN
  • Prof. Dr. Iskhaq Iskandar, M.Sc. (Scopus ID: 8637688700 and GS), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Prof. Dr. Luky Adrianto, M.Sc. (Scopus ID: 6506853268 and GS), Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University, INDONESIA
  • Prof. Dr. Ari Purbayanto, M.Sc. (Scopus ID: 7801332073 and GS), Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University, INDONESIA
  • Prof. Dr. Yusli Wardiatno (Scopus ID: 56962703500 and GS), Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University, INDONESIA
  • Prof. Indra Jaya (Scopus ID: 26039180400 and GS), Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University, INDONESIA
  • Prof. Yusni Ikhwan Siregar (Scopus ID: 57203513934 and Sinta), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Riau University, INDONESIA
  • Dr. Rozirwan, M.Sc. (Scopus ID: 57201667871 and GS), Marine Science Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Dr. Anna Ida SP, M.Si. (Scopus ID: 57203095324 and GS), Marine Science Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Dr. Wike AE Putri, M.Si (Scopus ID: 57204955987 and GS), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Dr. Dina Muthmainnah, M.Si. (Scopus ID: 57219866313 and GS), Inland Fishery Resources Development And Management Department-SEAFDEC, INDONESIA
  • A Zaenal Mustopa, PhD (Scopus ID: 56781558900 and GS), The Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency or BRIN (Formerly: Indonesian Institute of Sciences or LIPI) Jakarta - Indonesia, INDONESIA
  • Dr. Muhammad Reza Cordova (Scopus ID: 56147418700 and GS), The Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency or BRIN (Formerly: Indonesian Institute of Sciences or LIPI) Jakarta - Indonesia, INDONESIA
  • Dr. Yulianto Suteja, M.Si (Scopus ID: 57201496119 and GS), Marine Science Department, Marine and Fisheries Faculty, Udayana University, Bali, INDONESIA
  • Dr. Qurnia Wulan Sari (Scopus ID: 57195486477 and GS), Department Marine Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, INDONESIA

Web & Layout Editors

  • Dr. Isnaini, M.Si. (Scopus ID: 57223862032 and GS), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Dr. Riris Aryawati, M.Si (Scopus ID: 57208130381 and GS: xxx), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA

English Editor

  • Gusti Diansyah, M.Sc. (Scopus ID: 57217121147 and GS), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA
  • Beta Susanto Barus, Ph.D (Scopus ID: 57225069812 and GS), Department of Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, INDONESIA